DURINGthe renovations of The Shift venue on Oxford St in Sydney, the crew from ACON’s fundraising event Bingay also took a short break. Now that venueis back in full operation, so is Bingay in a new monthly-themed format.
Kicking off June 18, the first themed Bingay will take on a winder wonderland – expectFrozen meets Mardi Gras, sopossibly awhole heap of shirtless hairy lumberjacks cutting ice while singing Let It Go to their reindeer best friend or snowman.
ACON events coordinator David Wilkins explains the change to the monthly format as a way to “allow us to really pump up the production values with a ridiculously camp theme every month, giving LGBTI community members and their friends a unique and hugely entertaining night out.”
The regular feeatures such as classicdisco tunes, lewd bingo calls, strange rulings and amazing prizes will remain the same, withmoney raised to helpACON’s work for thecommunity.
Hosts of the night are Charisma Belle and Naomi Palmer. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm sharp start, ending at around10pm.
Winter Wonderland Bingay
Thursday June 18, 7pm for a 7.30pm start
Upstairs at The Shift, 85 Oxford St, Darlinghurst
$20 for all games
To book your place and further information visit acon.org.au/bingay
Ok…let’s go
we must plan outfits ;)
Lol I’ll find a tiara how’s that?
ice queen.. lol
It happens from time to time…lol
Janéa.. still going?
Lauren! Yes! Tell me we can go! This can be instead of trivia
You asked so nicely.
I know.
Peter Joseph Mountford shall we get a table?
I think that sounds like a wonderful Idea x