Gina Rushton On The Importance Of ‘All About Women’ In An Election Year

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It’s been thirteen years since the festival was first held at the Opera House to celebrate International Women’s Day, and has since grown as the premier place to discuss gender, justice and equality in Sydney. For acclaimed journalist, author and podcaster Gina Rushton, the opportunity to get together and discuss these difficult ideas is one she appreciates.
“Every year I hope that some of these discussions become a little more redundant and irrelevant,” she says to City Hub. “But unfortunately, a lot of them are actually more relevant than ever in 2025. So I think it can feel really nice to be in a space where you’re surrounded by people who are also thinking about this stuff, and wanna talk about it. It’s always a really nice vibe.”
Since her previous appearances at the festival in 2023, Gina has been rather busy. She rewrote much of her excellent book The Most Important Job In The World for an international release as The Parenthood Dilemma in the US and UK, and launched the podcast series The Dilemma.
In each of these works, Gina investigates the many conflicted adults (including herself) have around bringing children into the world, while drawing extensively on her background as a journalist covering reproductive justice and rights. At this year’s festival, she’s poised to bring her years of research and unique expertise to these topics that are alarmingly pertinent to everybody.
“I think that in Australia, we can become a little complacent when it comes to reproductive rights,” she says of the topics at All About Women this year. “I do think what’s happening in the US has really reinvigorated people here to think about this stuff and talk about it. This year’s panel on fertility is coming at a good time with an election on the horizon, and people are thinking about the kinds of policies that come into play when you’re thinking about whether or not you wanna become a parent.”
Gina continues: “Everything I read shows men are thinking about this stuff as well, they’re just not talking about it as much for various reasons. They’re not under as much pressure about their fertility, but these things affect them and impact them just as much.”

All About Women panels set to feature a diverse array of people
Gina’s set to appear as a panelist on The Baby Boycott, which discusses the ethics of bringing potential children into the world, and is the host of two others: Your Body, Whose Choice?, which’ll delve into the current state of abortion rights globally post Roe v. Wade, and Matresence, where she’ll speak to Lucy Jones about the physiological and psychological changes that come with motherhood. Though she admits it’s much easier to be a panelist than a moderator, she’s looking forward to the conversations that these panels will spark.
“It’ll be great, it’s a really interesting mix of people,” says Gina. “I’m really looking forward to talking to Avani Dias in The Baby Boycott, she’s a gun reporter. It’s a real mishmash of people; we’ve got people with lived experience of abortion, we have a woman who’s trying to get women into the Liberal Party, so I’m really curious what her take on it is, given Peter Dutton’s told his party room they can’t talk about abortion.”
In the face of rising conservatism across the globe that can feel deeply frightening, Gina says that there’s still plenty of room for feminism in the 2020s. “We’re in an interesting moment, because there’s been a bit of rhetoric that discusses feminism as though we’re in a ‘post-feminism’ era. I don’t think that we are; it’s hard when there are competing and intersecting challenges.
“Most people I know are feeling like there are multiple remaining battles to be had for feminism, but feeling just as much that there’s a housing crisis and a climate crisis that are also happening at the same time,” she continues. “I think that the future of feminism is something that can hold all of those issues together.”
takes place at the Sydney Opera House on Saturday March 8th and Sunday March 9th. Catch Gina Rushton at The Baby Boycott and Your Body, Whose Choice? panels on Sunday.
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