Plans to spite Westboro Baptist Church with wedding of Dumbledore and Gandalf impersonators

Plans to spite Westboro Baptist Church with wedding of Dumbledore and Gandalf impersonators

A FEW weeks ago after the successful Irish same-sex marriage referendum, author JK Rowling posted a tweet that suggested fictional wizards Dumbledore, the headmaster in her Harry Potter series, and Lord of the Rings wizard Gandalf could get married in Ireland.

This was met by a who claimed they would picket the union it it where to happen.



Adding to the support of marriage equality, the organisation behind the rainbow coloured house, Equality House — which is situated directly across the road from the Westboro Baptist Church’s HQ in the US— have announced they will host a wedding between Dumbledore and Gandalf character impersonators.

They made the announcement on their Facebook page:


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