Widespread support for viral #thisiswhy marriage equality Facebook post

Widespread support for viral #thisiswhy marriage equality Facebook post

A SHORT Facebook post made by Lara Ryan on Sunday this week that details why marriage equality is needed has gone viral, with almost 60,000 shares just five days.

The post, seen below, reveals a heartbreaking story of how Ryan lost her wife, Elise, and the ordeal she had gone through following her wife’s death. It also revealed her love for her.

[fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/larajanecoleman/posts/10156541497725316:0/” width=”550″/]

Elise was struck by a car on February 9 while walking their four-year-old daughter home from day care.

Speaking with , Ryan said she “wasn’t normally political” about marriage equality or sexuality.

“We had a wedding, we’ve lived together for 10 years, we’ve had a baby. It’s never been an issue – I’m happy in my little life, there are bigger issues in the world,” she said.

However, following her wife’s death, Australian bureaucracy added to her grief.

“I had spent the day on the phone to Centrelink, to my health insurance company, Medicare – just having to fill in ridiculous forms and boxes I couldn’t tick,” .

On social media, Ryan received plenty of support from around Australia and the world, and her post began the #thisiswhy trend.

[fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/diane.wood.94849/posts/1739789459592057/” width=”550″/]

[fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/teriann.matheson/posts/10208753905432038/” width=”550″/]

[fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/NHTC1969/posts/10153952575599395/” width=”550″/]

[fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/mavetju/posts/10153624565320000/” width=”550″/]

[fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/jayne.wheeler.7/posts/10207377990261718/” width=”550″/]

One response to “Widespread support for viral #thisiswhy marriage equality Facebook post”

  1. I am a 40 year old gay man, and let me tell you something. I 100% supported marriage equality and all other LGBTIQ legal reforms well before the internet, google, yahoo, youtube, facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc was even invented! Now in 2016, I am embarrassed and ashamed that Australia still does not have marriage equality. Just last week a federal government payed by taxpayers ad came up on the channel 9 free to air that said “welcome to the ideas boom!” – I fucking died of laughter! The only ideas this federal government has is turning Australia into North Korea and China!