Reactions to gay couples PDA caught on camera in Mississippi restaurant

Reactions to gay couples PDA caught on camera in Mississippi restaurant

A RECENT social experiment on US TV show What Would You Do? saw a gay couple engaging in public displays of affection attract various responses from unsuspecting customers at a restaurant in Mississippi.

The show, which airs on the US version of ABC, takes hidden cameras and creates supposedly controversial situations with actors in public to gauge the reaction from unsuspecting bystanders.

It is not the first time the show has used the “gay card” in their segments, and in the recently-aired scenario, the publicly romantic gay couple were pit against an equally-public homophobic woman.

While the segment illustrated how gay people were often discriminated against for their public displays of affection, it also showed some heartwarming and empowering reactions.

Since the video surfaced earlier this week, it has prompted a somewhat viral response from social media users.

Watch the clip in full to find out why:



DISCUSSION: Have you ever been verbally harassed for a PDA with your partner? Comment below.

3 responses to “Reactions to gay couples PDA caught on camera in Mississippi restaurant”

  1. That is f*cked up in so many ways they are different but get over it. People are just so judgmental I can’t even say even cuss word to describe my anger right now it’s not like they give you a problem for being straight that’s just f*cked up.

  2. People of any sexuality, (be it heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or asexual) have a right to display a public display of affection anywhere anytime – without being discriminated, harassed, vilified or ridiculed!

    People under 30 do not see homosexuality as an issue. People over 30 need to build a bridge and GTFOI (Get the fuck over it)!

  3. I wanna hug them boys!! thank you boys, who ever you are for standing up for complete strangers! The world really needs more like you!