Most gay terminology hasn’t changed in 40 years

Most gay terminology hasn’t changed in 40 years

HERE is a look back into history for the gay community of the USA, where a glossary of homosexual terms and deviate acts that was originally published in 1964 by the Florida Legislative Investigation Committee is doing the rounds on the internet and social media.

It was a time where homosexuals where viewed by some as the carriers of a degenerative disease that posed a greater menace to society than child molesters, and that homosexuals were part of a Communist strategy to “subvert the American way of life by controlling academic institutions and by corrupting the nation’s moral fibber”.

Have a read and let us know what you think of the definitions and wordings. It also shows an insight to how the role of language around the trans* community has evolved significantly, once being referred to as “transvestism” to now being a complex concept that no one word covers. And no mention of our friends in the intersex community.

Do you think the terminology is still the same for the gay community as it was depicted back in the mid-60s? Is the word “queer” an similar invention from the uni-set? Or have we come a long way since then? Share your thoughts with a comment below.


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h/t: Instinct Magazine: 

One response to “Most gay terminology hasn’t changed in 40 years”

  1. Your article above says that “terminology hasn’t changed in 40 years” and the reference material was published in 1964. This year is 2013, therefore it’s 49 years old, or nearly 50. That’s more than 40, and 25% more fun.