Homophobic response to birthday invite

Homophobic response to birthday invite

EARLIER this week, Americanradio show hots Steve & Leeana on K-98.3FM received a letter from gay dads whose daughter’s birthday invitation was returned with an homophobic comment attached as an RSVP.

The comment read: “Tommy willNOTattend. I do not beleive in what you do and will not subject my innocent son to your ‘lifestyle.’ I’m sorry Sophia has to grow up this way.”

The images of the letter (above) has since gone viral on the internet.

What do you think of the response?

5 responses to “Homophobic response to birthday invite”

  1. Relax Australia– the letter was a hoax. The dj’s made it up to generate discussion about a hot button issue ( or ratings)

  2. I agree with Tommie’s parent, in one respect at least anyway… I too am sorry a child has to grow up this way. I’m sorry poor Tommy has to grow up with such a misguided, narrow-minded, hypocritical and ungodly parent. MY god accepts people for who they are, and judges them on how they treat others, and on what lays deep within their hearts and their souls. Perpetuating archaic views based on an incorrect interpretation of ancients texts, and indoctrinating your children based on those views, is the REAL crime worthy of divine retribution. It saddens me that there are still people on this wonderful planet who see a need to lift themselves up by bringing others down. Shame on you.

  3. I think it’s sad that this parent would not allow the little boy to go to the party. Children have a blind eye to hate unlike his parents. This is a way of life people get over all the homophobia. All he’s going to know is that his friends have a tie dye shirt from the party & he doesn’t.