God is one of us: “Jesus” shuts down hate rally

God is one of us: “Jesus” shuts down hate rally

o-JESUS-AIDS-WALK-570-2Jesus impersonator Kevin Lee Light has taken his character’s image – and a little bit of divine intervention – to the streets of Los Angeles in support of its annual AIDS charity walk, taking aim at a handful of protesters in amongst the ten of thousands marching in support.

“Jesus”, in a white tunic and full beard, arrived to challenge the anti-gay protestors who where carrying signs reading “Homo Sex Is Sin” and “Warning: Sodomites, fags, dykes, homos, fairies, lesbos, queers, fudge packers, muff divers, perverts… Hell Awaits You,” by peacefully standing alongside the protesters with a large bunch of red balloons.

“It was kind of amazing seeing Jesus posing with a cluster of red balloons, early on in the L.A. AIDS Walk, just after the masses turned off Santa Monica down La Cienega,” writer Brody Brown, who snapped the photos below, told The Huffington Post. “Those stupid protestors are there, spewing their hate every year. Usually the Walk organisers come up with a clever way to block them from view, while still allowing them to (unfortunately) exercise their First Amendment rights.”

“First I noticed some hot gent in boots posing with two giant groupings of red balloons, so as to block the walkers’ view [of the protestors], and then the next thing we knew, Jesus had a cluster of balloons and was ‘werqing’ his holy bod into various dramatic poses, so as to detract from said bonkers protesters,” Brown added.


One response to “God is one of us: “Jesus” shuts down hate rally”

  1. Absolutely beautiful and marvellous and wonderful. If I was ever to believe in Jesus (which I never will) then this would be it. I would have loved to have been a photographer hanging around the area taking photos!