Book of naked men amongst Byron Bay beauty to be launched at Mardi Gras

Book of naked men amongst Byron Bay beauty to be launched at Mardi Gras
Image: Manscapes photography, Byron Bay, Australia. Photographer John Bortolin

Using his classic 1965 film camera, Bortolin photographed 25 of Byron Bay’s men naked in its surroundings.

Bortolin said that the traditional style of photography helped him to reveal a raw beauty.

Manscapes photography, Byron Bay, Australia. Photographer John Bortolin
Manscapes photography, Byron Bay, Australia. Photographer John Bortolin


“I feel really blessed to be presenting this work – shooting the subjects of my choice in my favourite studio, the natural landscape,” he said.

The models in the book are farmers, tradesmen, artists, university students, and personal trainers.

Manscapes photography, Byron Bay, Australia. Photographer John Bortolin
Manscapes photography, Byron Bay, Australia. Photographer John Bortolin


Bortolin said he wanted to celebrate each man’s dedication and hard work to maintaining their physiques.

“There is magic in the shyness of a strong man. I didn’t want to photograph egos. I wanted to capture the beauty of their fragility,” he said.

Bortolin will be at this year’s selling his book Manscapes alongside several of his photographed models.

He will also make an appearance at Sydney’s for a signing session and a chance to meet some of the models on the morning of March 7, the day of the .

For details and to purchase the book, visit 

Manscapes photography, Byron Bay, Australia. Photographer John Bortolin
Manscapes photography, Byron Bay, Australia. Photographer John Bortolin



Manscapes photography, Byron Bay, Australia. Photographer John Bortolin
Manscapes photography, Byron Bay, Australia. Photographer John Bortolin


Manscapes photography, Byron Bay, Australia. Photographer John Bortolin
Manscapes photography, Byron Bay, Australia. Photographer John Bortolin


Manscapes photography, Byron Bay, Australia. Photographer John Bortolin
Manscapes photography, Byron Bay, Australia. Photographer John Bortolin


Manscapes photography, Byron Bay, Australia. Photographer John Bortolin



95 responses to “Book of naked men amongst Byron Bay beauty to be launched at Mardi Gras”

  1. To use a colloquialism how very bloody ‘shit boring’ ….men are shit boring at the best of times but perhaps these are ‘gay’ little narcissists….brainless enough to pose nude for some camera twit on a mission. If you are heterosexuals then puerility might be the correct description. As far as beauty is concerned as claimed by one commentator….I think if you dress and look normal instead of painfully strained you may look handsome. As for the ‘acclaimed’ photography…well here’s where

    I suppose the poor (lens) focus was ‘intentional’ to ‘add something arty’..? The first photo is finger down the throat stuff and the tattoo’d thing on the horse might look great if you’ve been eating funny mushrooms but it’s lousy photography of the horse, the creature on its back and the environment. Some other photos may be sharp but their framing is just so bad…so bad.

    I suppose one has to accept to some degree ‘modern’ lack of talent being frantically heralded …such as the so called ‘mardi gras’….the capsule-in-motion of ghastly prancing, ‘licentious depravity before during and afterwards’, their excited little pouncey friends chatter excitedly. These photos definitely swing that way.

    To be homosexual is no great drama but ‘coming out’ in pink hotpants or footie gear and dancing with your seedy Frank-Thring beards looking for other men to bung demeans you and the rest of society that tolerates your mincing ugliness.

    To be joined (metaphorically at least) during the horrible ugly event by vote-seeking politicians, soldiers, sportsmen and tragically,…. youth, is an empathy as misguided as paying tithes to Hillsong’s slimey pastor. No I haven’t forgotten the women. The women are a seedy as the men. If you are homosexual, fine, but just keep it to yourself and your close friends would you?….instead of screaming ‘look at me… look at me..look at me’ …..IIIII’ mmm…..GAY!! Yeah right well does that add something ‘earthshattering’ we should know about?

    On that subject….thank the stars there’s another year of grace before the next crock of crap rolling down the road gathering ‘coming out’ moss as it rolls.

    John Bortolin gets admiration??? for his book of twittery?….well I guess some people will cheer for anything. This ‘nude photography’ business to make a quid has becomes so bloody boring and this bloke doesn’t have much talent at it….most don’t…so he’s not alone. Why not try to get involved in real beauty John, nature itself, rural life, disused towns and buildings, even learn how best to have an horse stand to photograph its ‘majesty’ . …..if you have to have people strip off to make a quid then it’s self explanatory how little talent and imagination you and the myriads of other who do it actually have as a ‘photographer’. You have some of it ‘right’ why not work off that?