You’re a friend of mine

You’re a friend of mine

The announcement of the LGBTI Parliamentary friends group is great news for all GLBTI Australians.

It gives greatly increased access to everyone ‘under the rainbow’ and can therefore cover a range of issues, whereas previously, access seemed limited to only those groups with good PR machines, those dealing with the ‘sexy’ issues, or individuals in a financial position with more time to haunt the corridors of power.

I am especially encouraged to hear from one source that politicians are keen to learn more about people identifying as trans, bi and intersex. Many at the grassroots in these communities have somewhat felt left behind in recent times and the fact that the door has been opened gives hope and reassurance that finally we can start to catch up.

So let’s brainstorm just a few of the issues we’d like to see movement on:

Federal equal opportunity law giving comprehensive coverage for all sexual orientations, sexes/genders, intersex and gender expressions. The VGLRL and TGV have very good links with organisations such as Organisation Intersex International Australia and AISSGA (among many others) and look forward to combining so as to achieve the most effective outcomes for all.

Documentation issues and the effects on trans and intersex. This goes beyond birth certificates, e.g. correct use of mailing titles, privacy re previous name details.

Health and Medicare issues for transgender people such as clarity about what is covered, and how much is covered financially for procedures.

A range of issues in the area of holistic health and wellbeing.

Issues affecting GLBTI seniors.
The above list is by no means complete! Please pass on ideas to us via or the Facebook page for either organisation. (Please note: the VGLRL is having a few website/email hiccups right now, so send email via TGV). We’ll compile a list and/or also pass on to partners around the country who are working on these issues.

Most of all, it’s great to see the friends group covers a great part of the political spectrum by having ALP, L/NP and Greens involved. This is great leadership in that it sends a signal that our issues can move above party politics.

The foundations are now laid. Come on, GLBTI and allied Australians, let’s start building on them!

By SALLY GOLDNER, VGLRL treasurer and TransGender Victoria spokesperson.

3 responses to “You’re a friend of mine”

  1. Another feel good gab fest. Sorry for the cynicism and I appreciate the work, but how many of these groups do we need? At least the “friendship” in the name is being half honest about it being a whole bunch of nothing.

    Having all parties involved should be a dead giveaway that a lot of talk will happen, but actual action is something that no one will agree on. Ok… a bit of state admin might change at BD&M, but no one is going to push for transgender surgery to be on Medicare (like it is in so many other countries)are they?

    It just sounds like another way to keep the lobbyists quiet in the eternal hope that something will happen.

  2. I’m yet to be persuaded about the aims of this ‘friendship’ group (even the name puts me off…) given the initial comments by Warren Entsch concerning his preference to support civil unions rather than marriage equality. I wrote to him and I’m yet to receive a response. Who does he represent? For starters, not anyone who supports marriage equality.

  3. “…access seemed limited to only those groups with good PR machines, those dealing with the ‘sexy’ issues, or individuals in a financial position with more time to haunt the corridors of power.”

    Why taint such an important message with such nastiness Sally?