I often wonder where people go when they get into relationships. Is there a void they fall into or is it a case of temporary friendship amnesia?
It’s normal to be caught up in the excitement of meeting someone and spending lots of time with them, but I think it’s unreasonable to ignore friends, family and others – only to expect them to be there when the honeymoon ends.
My friend has recently returned to contact after being with his boyfriend for nearly two years. It wasn’t a volatile separation as friends, but disappointed I was.
I’ve noticed people do it frequently, I think I understand why they do it, yet I don’t appreciate it.
Maybe because I have the boys every second weekend, perhaps I don’t get the chance to fall into a relationship two feet first. I’ve often wondered if that was a saving grace for me?
Another mate told me recently that he was excited to be starting a new relationship and that they spent four days over the weekends together. I paused as I took a sip of my wine. I wasn’t envious. Quietly I was thankful I don’t have that commitment of time.
I was happy for him, but also provided my opinion on space – I can’t help it, I’ve seen some friends disappear into the void of another person. Had they become merged with the new toy or did they become their own person with just more time consumed? Only they will know I guess.
I have been spending some of my own time with someone recently and I though I remain cognisant of the investment I have with friends, I still received a margin call the other day from Rosanna.
It’s perspective of change I guess. I’ve seen her regularly but perhaps the depth of catch up isn’t the same in her mind, maybe it’s psychosomatic – or worse, maybe I have been missing?
Either way, it’s nice to know people miss each other. They have been used to seeing you lots and then you’re gone.
Take it as a compliment.
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