McNuggets vs Midnight Shift
Living within dancing distance of the Strip has often proved a difficult lure to escape. Morning arrives and it’s perfectly acceptable to stagger out onto a freshly hosed street trying to impress the council workers with your latest moves. That is unless you realise you’ve stayed on the dance floor one song too long and it’s a mini men weekend.
Tugging down your tightest shirt over your chest the night before, you looked hot. Now, bleary-eyed and tugging your shirt from out of the back of your jeans, you look tired and worn and the pash rash on your face is a slight giveaway to your night out on the town.
I have to plan my disco, beer-swilling nights. I can’t go skipping into the ether every weekend.
On one occasion, like a moth so eagerly attracted to flame, I fluttered out to play, and like said moth that hits the light, I paid the consequence.
Kylie was in fantastic form in the Video bar that Friday night, the resident VJ was humouring me by playing Better The Devil You Know for the third time in as many hours. My watchful eye on the time slipped away after being blindsided by two gyrating shirtless bodies on the floor suggesting a dance-off.
Noticing street sweepers from inside the eerily-lit, warm protection of the bar was the alarm. It was morning! Having wished I’d traded numbers hours earlier, releasing the catch back into the sea was quietly disheartening.
I raced home in the silver carriage and quickly showered and changed into clothes built for horseback rides and soccer. I looked, at best, shocking. No drops could cure this red eye.
Thirty minutes later, I was greeted by the most enchanting, happy, sweet faces I could ever imagine. Happily sitting together eating McNuggets, both telling me simultaneously about their week in school, how they had painted and what they ate.
Three icecream cones in hand, we go home and snuggle down for our weekend.
From under the doona watching Thomas the Tank Engine, I wonder what Mr Shirtless is up to now, but then there are plenty of squid in the sea as a dear friend of mine says, and this sailor will surely venture out to sea again.
Ah, the usual “grammer/spelling” attack – very cliche on opinion coloumns/posts, well done.
Again Kate (and to anyone else) Ill ask you (and if you are going to give a reply please do so by READING my statement first) : Are you missing somthing here? – He met up with his childrens in a hung over state, does this seem responsible/reasonable to you??
Brigs – in order to be appalled .. you first must learn to spell it.
I think John does a fabulous job of balancing his life – he is obviously first and formost a fabulous father – not only that .. he knows how to have a good time!
Are you missing somthing here? – He met up with his childrens in a hung over state, does this seem responsible/reasonable to you??
Wow, cannot believe that SOME people can be negative. Guess what………? I enjoyed reading your peice…its fantastic , you can enjoy life and still have that balance with your kids, it not like your neglecting them. It is only normal that after having such a great night to think about it , even when spending time with kids… its positive energy which is great to have around children…. I too after spending time with great people and having a great night , tend to think of it, it is healthy , you are young a dad and still need to explore and experience life. It is time like these you remember and you will share with your kids when they are older, even maybe paint the town red with them , who knows …. keep it coming FANTASTIC
I’m confused to say the least. I’m a Mother of two, with an ex who is Gay. He lives his life as alot of gay men do and I believe this is why he is the wonderful father he is.
Should he hide away from who he is then resent his children for getting in the way of who he wants to be.
A friend told me about this article and I want to say here here to you John for juggling the love of fun and the love of your cherised children!
Bravo to the Author for fulfilling his parental responsibilities after a harmless night on the tiles!
It seems to me that the Author is a loving, supportive and stable role model who would do anything for his kids. What else matters?
I have to disagree. I’ve been reading every week and of course writing about this topic will shock people, because it isn’t talked about; isn’t ignorance bliss? Remember, this is a real person and these are real issues and he’s not the only person in this situation. The articles are about balancing the life of a gay father. I don’t think there is an image about a gay lifestyle? He’s sharing HIS stories about HIS lifestyle, not the gay lifestyle, whatever that may be? My parents lives didn’t stop because they had me? I’m sure there were many times when other things were on their minds besides me, it’s quite natural, after all, we are all basically human. However you choose to live your life is up to you, but if you’re open and your heart is in the right place you may have the ability to change minds. So thanks again John, great read and yes you may have hit a few nerves this week, but just remember how many gay fathers that may be feeling a little more understood this week, because of you. I admire the courage it takes to share your stories, next!
I kinda agree with Brigs, its a bit eerie how your talking about getting drunk, dancing and trying to pickup and then you talk about children and while you’re with them your thinking about “mr shirtless”? where are YOURE priorities?
And im so sick of this whole image we have on the gay lifestyle, its not all about partying until dawn you know. Hello??
I lived like that once. It doesnt last forever. Im now older and wiser.
I am appualed that you mix your hedonistic lifestyle with your childrens life – You should be ashamed.