Ukraine: bill to stop ‘propoganda by homosexualism’
Anti-gay legislation has been introduced into the Ukraine Parliament. In the name of “protection of children’s rights in the safe information sphere,” Ukrainian politicians hope to make it a criminal offence to promote “the propaganda of homosexualism” in print media, on television and on radio.
Opponents of the bill have spoken out to condemn the bill. “The bill strengthens censorship, restricts freedom of speech…and legalises violence against homosexual people,” said the Ukrainian queer rights group Insight.
Similar bills introduced into other former Soviet bloc states in the past few years have drawn criticism from the European Union.
Why do religious anti-gay bigots come to this gay site and post? We dont go to the National Organization for Marriage website.
Matei..you would have more fun on grinder than you will here on this gay site .
This is why Ukraine is still in the dark ages
Ridiculous…homosexuality or any sexuality cannot be propagated, and support for gay youth, who suffer depression, self abuse and suicide at exponentially higher rates from both bullying and this legal legitimisation of homophobia,have the right to expect that homophobic hatred is confronted in the media, by the state and by members of the community. This law brands gay people as inferior, directly fueling this hatred, and that their free expression, and the free expression of others, is unworthy compared with the non-evidenced assumptions about gay people. Matei, can you explain how children are harmed by tackling this homophobic hatred that injures and kills gay youth, and why gay people should be subject to legal discrimination and criminal sanction for simply being given fair representation in the free media?
Good news. I thought I coined “homosexualism” though…glad the term, and the push-back against the homosexualist agenda continues and spreads westerly.