Sarah Michelle Gellar Confirms Buffy Reboot Is In The Works

Sarah Michelle Gellar Confirms Buffy Reboot Is In The Works

Last week rumours began swirling that a Buffy The Vampire Slayer reboot featuring Sarah Michelle Gellar was in the works.

Whilst it was still rumours at the time it sent the internet into a spin after fans have been calling for a return to the series for years.

Now the star of the show has weighed in and things are looking good.

Sarah Michelle Gellar confirms talks of a Buffy return

The cultural impact of Buffy The Vampire Slayer is undeniable, Sarah Michelle Gellar lead this iconic show for seven seasons as she slayed her way through countless vampires.

However it was more than just her vampire ass kicking that viewers fell in love with.

The show also featured the ground breaking lesbian romance between Willow and Tara which still remains an iconic part of queer television history today.

Now things could be getting a little real as Sarah Michelle Gellar teased on Instagram this week.

“So….. you might have heard some news this week, but I realize you haven’t heard from me” she started.

“Three years ago, I got a call from my dear friend and mentor, Gail Berman. She told me that she wanted me to sit down with Chloé Zhao to hear her take on a potential “Buffy” revival” she revealed.

“I was blown away that Chloé even knew who I was, but, as I’ve always done, I told Gail that I just didn’t see a way for the show to exist again. We’d always been aligned on that, but this time I heard something different in her voice.”

“I eventually agreed to go (mainly just to meet Chloé) and our twenty minute coffee quickly turned into a four hour adventure. We laughed, we cried, but mostly we both talked about how much this show means to us” she continued.

“While I didn’t agree to anything at that meeting, I did shock myself by agreeing to continue the conversation. These conversations did, in fact, continue over the next few years and eventually we added the incredible Nora and Lilla Zuckerman to our little tribe until ultimately, one day, we landed on an idea.”

She concluded her lengthy post by all but confirming something will happen, just when and what though she still remained tight lipped on.

“I have always listened to the fans and heard your desire to revisit “Buffy” and her world, but it was not something I could do unless I was sure we would get it right.”

“This has been a long process, and it’s not over yet. I promise you, we will only make this show if we know we can do it right. And I will tell you that we are on the path there.”

“I feel so lucky to be on this journey with these four unbelievably talented women, all of whom love “Buffy” as much as I do. And as much as you do. Thank you to all the fans who never stopped asking for this. This will be for you.”

According to rumours the project is inching closer towards securing a pilot deal with US streaming service Hulu, however this is still yet to be confirmed.


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