Police seek witnesses to homophobic bashing in Melbourne

Police seek witnesses to homophobic bashing in Melbourne
Image: Photo: Victoria Police / 9 ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï.

Victoria Police are appealing for any witnesses of a recent homophobic attack to come forward.

A man, named only as Brendan, was approached by a group of men on Smith Street in Collingwood, between Victoria Parade and Mason Street, at around 2:45am on January 27, according to .

They confronted him with homophobic slurs before beating him and fleeing.

“He said a word that wasn’t so nice… then there was one giant punch to my left eye,” Brendan told a press conference yesterday.

“I remember picking myself back up… I spent 18 hours on my back, not being able to move.”

The Brighton man’s physical injuries include cracked ribs and major damage to both eyes, which will require surgery.

He said despite being on the road to recovery, he is still feeling the psychological trauma of the attack.

“It was a life-changing moment,” Brendan said.

“I’m no longer going out at night by myself… it doesn’t matter what part of the city I’m in, I’m always looking over my shoulder.â€

He called the attackers “scum”.

The Collingwood area is typically considered an LGBTI-friendly area, featuring a number of gay bars and venues, and a rainbow crossing installed at Gertrude Street five years ago.

Police are continuing their investigation into the homphobic attack.

Anyone with information on the incident can contact Victoria Police, or Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.

4 responses to “Police seek witnesses to homophobic bashing in Melbourne”

  1. These Thugs has got to be STOP’T . no one deserve to be bash’t . L.B.G.T.I people should have the right to be safe walking the streets at night any where in Australia. i hope the Police catch up with them !!!!!!!

  2. Can we have a description of the attackers please? It is much more difficult for the public to assist in this case (and much more difficult for others to keep themselves safe) when you don’t even give a description of the attackers.

  3. This is exactly why I do not go into the city any anymore, even if there are two of us. Since the SSM vote/issue, I see an escalation in aggressive anti-LGBTI behaviour, that is going under-reported in my opinion. Many Catholic Men (Abbott Bots) at my workplace are angry and quite vocal that ‘fags have more rights now’ … it’s appalling. Big loves to you Brendan, get well mate.

  4. What does his local M.P Tim Wilson think of this attack when he defends a government that’s instigated so much hate towards minority groups??

    Get well Brendan.