ChillOut to benefit from govt handout

ChillOut to benefit from govt handout

ChillOut will be one of the main benefactors of a Victorian government grant to improve event facilities in the Daylesford area.
Regional and rural development minister Jacinta Allan said the state government would kick in $127,050 towards the upgrade of Daylesford’s Victoria Park Events Precinct, home of ChillOut’s carnival day.
The almost $170,000 upgrade, part of the government’s Small Towns Drought Program, is expected to improve facilities for stallholders and the events stage.
ChillOut pumped in $16,350, which includes more than $3000 for a new ticket box. Local sporting groups also raised funds.
Hepburn Shire Council chipped in $26,000, marking its support for ChillOut’s ongoing survival.
The precinct is also home to the Daylesford Highland Gathering, agricultural fairs and sporting events.
The money will go towards improving the area’s electricity capacity and supply which has been identified as a potential health and safety risk.
At this year’s festival, JOY 94.9 FM had difficulties with the power supply, affecting the outside broadcast.
Increasing shade and replacing the roof of the agricultural pavilion have all been put on the -Ëœto do’ list.
Improvements marked for the area’s overhead lighting will also service the local football club’s late night training sessions and assist in the event of a town emergency.
A Hepburn Council spokeswoman said it hopes the changes will attract new events, more visitors and generate more regional income.
Allan said the improvements would help Victoria Park become a major event destination for regional Victoria and boost the  local economy.
-Å“This project is important for the region which is feeling the impact of drought both in the country and in town, she said.
ChillOut president Doug Pollard, who has been working behind the scenes on the grant, said he was pleased with the upgrade announcement.
-Å“This is great news, and means we can provide an even better experience for ChillOut visitors in the future as the festival continues to grow, he told Southern Star.
-Å“ChillOut is very proud to have been the prime mover in the application for this grant, supported by Hepburn Shire Council, and other local groups,
-Å“It’s a great example of how the local gay and lesbian community is able, through ChillOut, to leverage its position in the Shire to help secure significant improvements which will benefit the whole community.

3 responses to “ChillOut to benefit from govt handout”

  1. All credit for the work ‘behind the scenes’ on this – and on much else at ChillOut – belongs to Jim Culbertson – he’s the one who puts in all the hard yards.

  2. ChillOut deserves every penny it can get – bloody great festival.
    This year’s was better than ever – I had such a good time.
    I’d encourage everyone to make a point of going down next year and experiencing it for yourself.

  3. ChillOut is, in my opinion, the best G&L festival in Australia – even better than Sydney’s MArdi Gras.
    It is relaxed, comfortable, accepting and completely lacking attitude.
    It is great to see the government continue to recognise how important it is and is increasingly becoming.
    Thanks too to Southern Star for keeping us informed about what is happening. If it weren’t for you we’d never know.