Flyers comparing gay people to Nazis have been distributed in Canberra and Adelaide

Flyers comparing gay people to Nazis have been distributed in Canberra and Adelaide
Image: An image found in the flyer.

The Anti-Defamation Commission has condemned the distribution in Canberra of homophobic flyers that compares the LGBTI community to Nazi Germany.

The flyers, which have been traced to Adelaide street preacher Kevin Bickle, call LGBTI activism “perverted” and were first seen in during the marriage equality postal survey.

They have this week appeared in mailboxes around Adelaide and the Canberra suburb of Woden.

“So Hitler’s invasion of the personal privacy of children in the 1930s is the same totalitarian invasive influence of today,” the flyers read.

“He used the same means, only now the pornography of power that is state propaganda has morphed from Nazi political perversion into perverted gay activism for abnormal ‘marriage’ equality.”

The flyers, called ‘The death of reason…and the rainbow walk to insanity’ show Nazi flags alongside rainbow flags in the street.

Dr Dvir Abramovich, chair of the Anti-Defamation Commission, condemned the homophobic rhetoric and the use of Nazi imagery.

“It outrageous that such extremely anti-gay rhetoric has infiltrated the homes of residents in Canberra, disseminating its hateful message of  incitement and abusing the Holocaust to malign the LGBTQI community and those supporting marriage equality as Nazis,” he said.

“Clearly, the objective of these flyers is not just to vilify, but also to traffic in fear and to stir up hatred.

“It is also troubling that this extremist group is twisting the teaching of Christianity in service of their warped agenda and reprehensible demonisation.

“This incident once again demonstrates that the virus of bigotry remains a powerful force in Australia, and that we must come together to battle this growing cancer and promote inclusivity over the ideology of bigotry that these materials promote.”

The website of ‘Goliath’s Sword’, the self-described “Christian radicals” group distributing the flyers, also has materials attacking consumerism, evolution, atheism, Judaism and other religions.

Adelaide Greens candidate Robert Simms said he was “disgusted” by the flyers being distributed in his city.

“This material is appalling and deeply offensive to LGBTI people and their friends and allies in the community,” he said.

“A number of residents have raised this with me on the campaign trail and I share their outrage at this hateful flyer. I have written to the SA Equal Opportunity Commissioner asking her to investigate the matter.

“Adelaide has one of the biggest LGBTI populations in the state, and if the intention of circulating this hateful material in the middle of an election campaign is to try to sway votes in some way, I think it will backfire badly.”

4 responses to “Flyers comparing gay people to Nazis have been distributed in Canberra and Adelaide”

  1. Comparing gay people to Nazis makes absolutely no sense at all.
    The Nazis are the ones who sent countless gay people to concentration camps. Many of them were in the gas chambers. Whomever is distributing those ridiculous flyers needs to get their history straight.