‘Big fat fugly chicks’: Facebook page attacking LGBTI people linked to Clive Palmer party candidate

United Australia Party candidate Tony Hanley has been linked to a Facebook page containing anti-LGBTI and anti-Muslim posts.
Hanley, who is standing for the ACT electorate of Bean, is preferenced second on Liberal how-to-vote cards as part of an overall preference deal with Clive Palmer’s upstart party.
The Bean candidate is just the latest in a string of candidates across multiple parties to , and in , over made in their name.
The Facebook page, under Hanley’s name, was recently deleted but contained a range of extreme views which Hanley .
“Do not show this to Fem- Nasties or Lesbians,” one post began.
“Once again I’ve witnessed the most horrible people ever in my life. They were gays lesbians and one we do not know if it was a man transitioning into a woman, or women transitioning into a man.”
Hanley went on to describe LGBTI people as “rude, uncompassionate, Vile, vexatious, capricious, VIP not Australians”.
“I’m glad I’m not growing up today as a heterosexual normal male or Female.”
Another post used terms like “tea towel heads” to refer to Saudi Arabians, while calling the children of taxi drivers “future terrorists”.
“That’s not acceptable to me, it’s not part of our party policy, but whether or not he said that and the context of what he said, I’ll take that up with him after this conference today,” Palmer said when asked about the posts, which he claimed he had not seen.
“We’ve got people that live in Australia from all different countries over the world that contribute to our country and they’re all Australians. We’ve got to respect them.”
The United Australia Party website says that Hanley “is sick and tired of the current crop of politicians pandering to self interest groups and only thinking of themselves.”
Fifty percent of voters are women. Canberrians voted 74% yes in marriage plebiscite and I imagine they wouldn’t appreciate Islamaphobic comments.
Look forward to seeing his election results for electorate of Bean.
Well clearly now we’ve seen his photo Tony thinks being big fat and fugly is a good thing. I guess that’s the basis on which he thinks this sort of comment is “defendable”.
I wonder if Tony Hanley has looked in the mirror lately? does his “boss” fall into the category of “self interest” politicians.Beats me how any sane person could vote for either of them.