Extremist pastor’s homophobia challenged by journalist on TV

Extremist pastor’s homophobia challenged by journalist on TV

THE extremist church pastor from Arizona after declaring the world could be AIDS-free if gay people were executed has been challenged by Phoenix TV anchor Mark Curtis.

Curtis’ opened his frank interview with Steve Anderson with the simple question of “have you always hated gay people”, followed by “when I heard your sermon, it sounded like the rantings of someone who was either a hate-monger or a religious zealot, and I’m wondering, which are you?”

Calling homosexuality a “capital crime”, Anderson was also asked how he would react if he had a gay son or daughter.

“Would you want them dead?” the KPNX TV anchor asked.

After the pastors explained how he believed people “become” gay, he finally answered: “If I did (have a gay son or daughter) I would have nothing to do with them.”

Anderson went on to compare children growing up to be gay like some one growing up to be an axe murderer of Adolf Hitler.

Curtis went on to challenge the pastor by saying he was hiding behind, and perverting, the Bible for his own vision of world.

In response, the pastor compared himself to Jesus by claiming people hated Jesus because he testified that their works were evil — just as people hated Anderson for supposedly doing the same.

“I believe that all homosexuals should be executed and anyone who is a Christian and doesn’t believe that is not a Christian,” the pastor said.

Watch the full interview below:

25 responses to “Extremist pastor’s homophobia challenged by journalist on TV”

  1. I always think of people like this as spoiled children who are just after some attention and don’t understand the difference between good attention and bad attention.

    It removes all their power.

    • Then again he may be one of the growing number of Fundamental ‘Pastors’ who is actually denying his homosexuality from himself and everyone else….turning his spite on himself in reality..Just a thought.

  2. Let’s just sit back and wait for him to say and do something stupid then we can laugh him out of existence.

  3. I really dont need to read or see what this person has to say or how he is challenged. This person does not deserve the right of having his views heard, and quite frankly publishing this bullshit simply is dangerous. There are impressionable young people on facebook who read this vile crap and seriously ponder could he be right? There are kids out there on the brink of suicide who could easily be spared this bull shit. They turn to sites like star observer for support, not to see this shit. Please think about what you publish.

  4. And what will they say when there is a cure for aids and yes there will be a cure for aids and other diseases and ailments and then we shall find new diseases and ailments who will be next perhaps a hetero disease for all of your sins???did God just make a mistake ???and then change its mind???should u not just be trying to love everyone regardless of sexuality,gender identity,race etc.love thy neighbour and all that.treat others as u would have them treat you so what if you were the gay one how would you want others to treat you???

  5. several psychiatric conditions come to mind…… and Yes, I think he may be in breach of the mixed fabric law.

  6. He forgot about the millions of people throughout the world who are heterosexual and are HIV positive. Would he like those killed too? Does that include babies who were infected in the womb?
    The Bible is merely a book put together by a select group of men to reflect their beliefs and understanding at a particulate time in history. It is full of contradictions and errors.
    If Satan exists, his greatest triumph is convincing billions of people that the Bible is the Word of God and bits that you agree with should be taken literally, whilst the overwhelming majority of it is ignored.

  7. Just… I hope someone tells him about not wearing mixed fabrics, because if he does he’s sinning and thus he should be executed. BOOYAH.

    • I really dont need to read or see what this person has to say or how he is challenged. This person does not deserve the right of having his views heard, and quite frankly publishing this bullshit simply is dangerous. There are impressionable young people on facebook who read this vile crap and seriously ponder could he be right? There are kids out there on the brink of suicide who could easily be spared this bull shit. They turn to sites like star observer for support, not to see this shit. Please think about what you publish.