Canadian candidate fired for saying same-sex marriage makes her want to vomit

A candidate for office in Ontario, Canada has been fired after saying that same-sex marriage makes her want to vomit.
The Progressive Conservative Party had initially pushed back against calls to remove Tanya Granic Allen as their candidate after tweets emerged in which she slammed abortion, marriage equality, and a state-wide law banning gay ‘conversion’ therapy, has reported.
However, the candidate has now been removed after a video emerged of her talking about LGBTI rights.
In the video, Granic Allen is speaking at the 2014 Croatian-Catholic Youth conference in Ontario.
“When I think of the suffering of the people who lived in [Croatia] and the suffering that went on during the war, the sacrifices of generations of families, was it all for nothing,” she asked.
“Did these people spill this blood on the frontlines… for what? For a values system and for the Catholic faith. But was that blood spilled for nothing?
“What I hear about [Croatia] trying to push radical sexual education on the young or gay marriage, you know I almost vomit in disbelief.
“How can this be happening?”
The video spread online, ultimately prompting party leader Doug Ford to fire her as a candidate.
“Tanya Granic Allen will no longer be a candidate for the Ontario PC Party,” Ford said in a statement.
“We are a party comprised of people with diverse views that if expressed responsibly we would respect.
“However, the fact is her characterisation of certain issues and people has been irresponsible.”
Conservative idiots make me vomit!
hmm not surprised…especially when she was attending a Croation-CATHOLIC conference…