YouTube lesbian couple want you to help name their unborn daughter

YouTube lesbian couple want you to help name their unborn daughter

LESBIAN YouTube bloggers and couple have in their eighth month of pregnancy gone posted a video asking viewers to help them name their unborn child.

[showads ad=MREC]The couple are hoping to find a name that is more than one syllable, non-“hipster”, can easily be made into a nickname, unique but not too “out there”, and something that sounds good with their last name, Jude.

The self-proclaimed unorganised couple, who have used a baby name book for inspiration, are expecting a daughter in less than a month.

“So we need your help, send us your ideas,” they said in the closing of the video.

“Nothing too common, nothing top 10, give us your best.”

Queer Mama often post videos about lesbian conception, pregnancy, and parenthood.

Watch the video:


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