Guinness world record for most selfies

Guinness world record for most selfies

WITH selfies often getting a bit of a bad wrap when it comes to vanity and self-obsession, YouTube bloggers have decided to turn use it for charitableܲ.

In an effort to set a new Guinness world record for the most selfless taken in an hour, bloggers (and couple) Mark E. Miller and Ethan Hethcote went to a Miami beach in Florida to do just that —  and to raise awareness for .

With an official Guinness World Records adjudicator watching on, the couple managed to click 355 selfies with other people on the beach, creating a new record.

That’s almost six selfies a minute.

 a website whose aim is to encourage people to take a moment to appreciate the small things in life, by creating a photo gallery of the good things people do. This gives something to look back on, with the aim to make people remember that the world is an amazing place.

Watch the video below:


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