Burger King teaching gay acceptance and equality one bun at a time

Burger King teaching gay acceptance and equality one bun at a time

AS part of San Francisco Pride, Burger King in the US introduced a burger called the Proud Whopper, leaving customers guessing the difference between that and a regular Whopper burger.

urlThe video below shows customers at Burger King’s Market St, San Francisco restaurant on the day of Pride, and staff seemed to be in on the know as they responded vaguely to customer questions about the differences between the two burgers.

“What? So it’s like a gay burger?” asked one man in the video.

“Do gay people even eat fast food?” said another.

However, there was a twist: as the burger was wrapped in a rainbow paper, once unwrapped customers noticed the “we are all the same inside” message printed inside it.

It was a message to show that not only were the  burgers the same, but so are we all.

The burger was only available at the Market St Burger King for Pride, with sales of the burger donated to the McLaore Foundation for scholarships benefiting graduating LGBT high school seniors.

The Star Observer understands there are no plans to expand the promotion.


Watch the video below:



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