City queens pop their westie cherry

City queens pop their westie cherry

Go West
with Beverly Buttercup

All good virgins go west when they want their cherry popped, and Mitzi Macintosh, Farren Heit and Carmen Geddit are no different. They put in a surprise appearance at Heaven this month -“ and stole the show.

These fabulous diva’s performed some of their camp numbers for the first time out west and had their cherries popped in style. Coming out in support of their fellow drag queen Ida Slapda, the girls rocked the house and put some of the western Sydney queens to shame. Aren’t tongues wagging now-¦

Talking of city divas – lets also not forget that it’s that time of year when the drag queens come out in force to celebrate the DIVA Awards. Some say it’s the cattiest time of the year, and others think it’s the most creative time -¦ gouging someone’s eyes out with an eyeliner pencil is creative -“ isn’t it?

Who will win an award this year? Insiders say there will be plenty of awards for a girl originally from the west. My, my, oral skills can reap its rewards.

Let’s also send up a big cheer to Miss Tora Hymen who is the first DIVA poster girl from the west -“ good on you girlfriend. Thank goodness you weren’t run over by a car during the photo shoot while lying in the gutter.

The Out West Dance party from last month was a cracker -“ so successful that they are now planning another dance in October for Halloween. What a fabulous opportunity for playing dress ups. The boys going as girls, and the girls going as boys -¦ is that anything different though?

To stay in tune with all the latest happenings out west, don’t forget to tune into Queer Out West every Monday night from 10pm on 89.3fm or online.

The show was packed this past month with guests including SSO Editor Scott Abrahams, Musician Martyn Badoui and Paul Croft from DIVA. Who will we have next month? And who would you like to hear?

Drag Gossip

Do you know which drag queen has finally left the building? And which queen of questionable talent has now replaced her?

Which Jurassic drag queen has recently railroaded a show that is in pre-production, pushed the producer aside and already renamed the show three times?

Do you know which rhythmically challenged old drag queen with a buggered knee has now been forced to leave the production show at Heaven? ME!

Until next time gorgeous!

For more information on venues in Western Sydney go to:
(Queer Out West)

6 responses to “City queens pop their westie cherry”

  1. Well Oliver – Perhaps you might like to experience something outside the inner west…

    It may surprise you – but there is actually life beyond Oxford and King Street.

    Or perhaps you can’t afford the train ticket after paying your exorbitant rent?!

  2. Well Bev,

    The old knee has given way? Well that’s from spending so much time on your knee’s at the Parramatta Golf Club.

    Was great for the girls to have their shots and come out west, was very much a surprise to me. Who would think my friends could keep a secret??? Not me.

    Keep up the good work luv, i’m glad your article let’s everyone know whats going on in the west.

    Ida xx