ANZ launches its Australian GAYTMs for the 2015 Mardi Gras season

ANZ launches its Australian GAYTMs for the 2015 Mardi Gras season

IF Sydney’s Oxford St could get any more “gayer” in the lead up to this year’s Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras festival, it just did, thanks to the launch of Australia’s first GAYTM for the season.

Revealing the new-look ATMs this morning was ANZ’s Australia Division Diversity Council chair Mark Hand, and ANZ staff member David Beks dressed in drag as his alter ego Anzabella.


As part with its campaign not only to its ATM users and passers-by on Oxford St, ANZ have also designed several Mardi Gras-inspired installations for other ATMs around the city, including one that celebrates the Dykes on Bikes at Pitt St, and one for the bears on George St. The ATMs on Oxford St pay homage to drag queens.

While there are six GAYTMs set up in Sydney, a seventh for a different location in Australia will soon be revealed as part of the bank’s “The Only GAYTM in the Village” campaign.

ANZ staff member and drag queen Anzabella
ANZ staff member and drag queen Anzabella

Some of the GAYTMs around Sydney have also been installed with dance music that is motion-activated, as well as display messages for ATM users including “Hello darling!” and “Push my buttons”.

10 responses to “ANZ launches its Australian GAYTMs for the 2015 Mardi Gras season”

  1. It would be tokenistic and condescending, Lachlan, if the whole gay thing were not going truly mainstream?

  2. Would be great to have the other three pillars of Australian banking provide similarly visible support too! No dimes to spare, guys?