Closed – Plastic Fork

Closed – Plastic Fork

What did we do before iPhones? You can check your email, listen to music and even arrange a hook up through Grindr or Scruff.

The latest development is an application that allows users to get food delivered directly to their home or office.
Released by Plastic Fork, the app allows restaurants and customers to connect and have a real-time relationship with instant updates, menus or special offers.

Customers and restaurants will be able to map their preferred delivery area – be it a couple of streets or an entire suburb.
Before Plastic Fork, smaller operators were excluded from such applications by an inability to commit to a postcode as their service area.

Restaurants can now target individual streets and even a specific building.

The free application is available to download from the iTunes App Store now.

Thanks to our friends at Plastic Fork, the Star has four $50 vouchers for the application to giveaway to its readers. Just fill in your details below and download the application just in case!

B Hider
T Nemecek
D Wootton
C Ferguson
B Sargent
S Wall
A Noble
G Brock

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