CLOSED: Sydney Film Festival Flexipass

CLOSED: Sydney Film Festival Flexipass

The Sydney Film Festival has just released a sneak peek of 25 films playing at this year’s festival, including Beauty (see trailer below). In this fascinating study of desire, South African director Oliver Hermanus focuses on Francois, a middle-aged

Afrikaans-speaking family man who becomes obsessed with the young son of long-time friends.

Flexipasses for the festival are now on sale. You can share them with your friends or family — they’re that flexible. A Flexipass allows you to buy a group of tickets in advance, which can be redeemed when tickets go on sale in May.

Thanks to SFF, we’re giving away a Flexi 10 pass to one lucky reader. For your chance to win, simply head to the giveaways section of our website and enter your details.

INFO: Sydney Film Festival, June 6 – 17.


Kevin B, Redfern

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