Big Dyke Energy

Big Dyke Energy
Coming to the Melbourne Fringe Festival is a show with bold, confident comedy, and Big Dyke Energy. A combination “stand-up, sketch, character confessional and exorcism” show, Big Dyke Energy is all about being your best, biggest, “badass b*tch” Big Dyke self. “Confidence that is unassuming but infectious.” Starring Hannah Malarski and Ash Goodison, this show “ will make you laugh, think, then spread your legs and take up all the available space on the tram ride home.
When: October 9 –10, 2023,  8 pm | October 12–14, 2023,  9.30 p.
Where: Club Voltaire – 1st Floor/14 Raglan Street, North Melbourne
Club Voltaire is not wheelchair accessible.

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