BiLines – Celebrate Bi+ Visibility Day On September 23

BiLines – Celebrate Bi+ Visibility Day On September 23
Image: Eves Dryden

Celebrate Bi+ Visibility Day with Sydney Bi+ Network at BiLines on Saturday, September 23. BiLines is Sydney Bi+ Network’s annual storysharing event to celebrate bi+ people and communities, our unique experiences, and joys. This year, join us for an afternoon of connecting and traveling across the expansive multiverse of bi+ love. We’re exploring love for communities, platonic love, love for partners, love for chosen family, and more. With a stellar lineup, sharing stories through art, music, performance, and lived experience this is one you don’t want to miss.

BiLines is for anyone who experiences attraction to more than one gender, in any way, to any degree. We welcome people who are bi+, bisexual, pansexual, fluid, queer, omnisexual, polysexual, panromantic, biromantic, gay, lesbian, questioning, and more. We welcome people who use more than one label to describe themselves, people who use no labels, and people who use additional languages or terminology to describe themselves. We also recognise that bi+ folks and the people who love them can experience unique barriers to inclusion, and invite bi+ allies, partners, friends, family (biological or logical) and loved ones into the group.

For more information and to register for this free event visit:

The event will also be streamed online. Register for the event to receive the link.


When: September 23, 2023 from 2 – 4pm
Where: Heritage Room, NSW Teachers Federation Conference Centre, 37 Reservoir Street, Surry Hills, NSW

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