InsideOut’s 2013 Sydney Mardi Gras Kiki

InsideOut’s 2013 Sydney Mardi Gras Kiki

InsideOut, Australia’s LGBTI program on Foxtel’s Aurora Community TV channel was one of the only TV programs to capture and broadcast all the colour, politics and spectacle of this year’s Sydney Mardi Gras.  Hosted by model/dancer Adam Pedicini and Ameila Ryan and recorded from the Oaks Hyde Park Plaza Hotel overlooking Oxford Street on Saturday March 2nd, the special features highlights of the 2013 Mardi Gras parade and a variety of special guests.

We’ve got all 25 minutes of InsideOut’s Mardi Gras special here for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!
[youtube id=”BnLl_0Wfr44″ width=”620″ height=”360″]

INFO: InsideOut TV airs on Foxtel on the Aurora Community TV Channel 183   •  


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