Freeheld on DVD

Freeheld on DVD

¹ó¸é·¡·¡±á·¡³¢¶ÙÌýtells the true story of Laurel Hester, a police detective, and her domestic partner Stacie Andree as they take on the biggest fight of their lives. When Laurel is diagnosed with terminal cancer the women must fight to have Stacie receive Laurel’s pension benefits.

After a successful run in cinemas late last year, the highly-acclaimed film will now be available on DVD from March 16.

When police detective Laurel (Julianne Moore) meets Stacie (Ellen Page), they instantly form a connection. The couple fall in love, and before long are building a life together. But when tragedy strikes and Laurel is diagnosed with cancer, she faces discrimination as government officials refuse to allow her to leave her pension, earned over 23 years of service, to Stacie.

With the help of fellow detective Dane Wells (Michael Shannon) and larger-than-life activist Steven Goldstein (Steve Carell), Laurel and Stacie spend their last days together fighting to overturn the decision.

As the campaign for marriage equality gains momentum worldwide, Freeheld is a poignant reminder of the personal struggles at the heart of the movement. Moore and Page deliver powerful, heartfelt performances in this stirring tribute to an ordinary couple whose love and integrity compelled them to demand equal rights in an extraordinary act of courage.

Writer Ron Nyswaner also does a great job in making sure the audience has a strong emotional connection to the film’s characters.

As with many other LGBTI-themed films of late, Freeheld shows audiences how “normal” and natural same sex relationships can be. It also shows that regardless of how small the battle can be, it can still lead to major changes.

Freeheld is available on DVD from Wednesday, March 16.

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