Comments on: The Malaysia (non) solution /opinion/the-malaysia-non-solution/58334 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Tue, 02 Aug 2011 13:46:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sonya Smith /opinion/the-malaysia-non-solution/58334#comment-76077 Tue, 02 Aug 2011 13:46:57 +0000 Senthorun, cannot agree with you more… as a parent, a human, what desperaton would allow a parent to place their child on a leaky boat? Obviously it means it is enevitable that there will be no change for the future of their children… a leaky boat is the chance of a life a better life for their children/themselves. As a mother living in the lucky country I can say empathically that to give my child a better future or should I say any future I would do anything. It must be unendurable to think that you have got away, crossed the ocean only to arrive in a detentions center after all that has been endured, or should I say survived…To think that you are free… only to find out that you aren’t… limbo and back to a third world “mentality” for you… Every country has it’s own “riff raff”/”terriorists” the ones that we inherited… they didn’t come in on a leaky boat..Real people need to find their voice. Real people need to speak and stop baa baaing along with the rest of the sheep.. All any one needs to do… IMAGINE IF IT WAS YOU!!
