Takei’ng on the Westboro Baptist Church

Takei’ng on the Westboro Baptist Church

TO be honest, when we first saw the original video post from the Westboro Baptist Church that changed the lyrics of Idina Menzel’s Let It Go to an attack on the LGBTI community, we were not going to give it any coverage on the Star Observer website.

However, after seeing former Star Trek actor and LGBTI rights activist George Takei’s own cover of the Frozen song mocking the Westboro Baptist Church’s (WBC) version, we decided to change our stance.

WBC who are known predominately in the US for their vocal stance against LGBTI rights and often picketing at funerals, and pride marches with infamous their “god hates fags” signs. Since the death of the Church’s leader the group has continued its noisy campaign, and their Let It Go cover is an example of this.

Calling it a parody, it has been alleged that the group used the Disney song . (Editor’s note: We’re not even going to give the dignity of a link-back to that so-called “cover” or even bother quoting what the WBC’s altered lyrics. EJ)

In response, George Takei has released his own lip-syncing video to Let It Go, green screened with images of the WBC appearing in the background, and pleading for the church and its attitude to the gay community to “let it go”.

Watch it out below:

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