It’s time for a final hoorah. On Saturday, September 24 the fabulous team from Trouble in Paradise will be holding their final party in Coffs Harbour. With six years of fabulous events under their belt they have done an amazing job bringing you some fantastic parties and they are definitely going to be missed. Come along and show your appreciation for all of their hard work over the past few years by attending this last big event and sending Trouble in Paradise off in style! For more details see
Be Young and Proud (BYP) is now back up and running through the Harbour Youth Service with monthly drop in sessions for LGBTI people under 25yrs old. Starting on Tuesday 16 August there will also be a six-week course looking at coming out, sexual health and relationships facilitated by the Harbour Youth Service and ACON. For details please contact ACON on 6651 6017.
On 17 August 6pm – 8.30pm, the ACON Outreach Service in Port Macquarie will be holding their annual Soup Night. Come and meet the team at ACON for a night of winter warming. Warm soup, warm conversation and warm hospitality. RSVP is essential for catering purposes by 15 August on 6584 0943 or gferrero@acon.org.au.
If you are unable to make it to the Sexual Health Service at Coffs Harbour Health Campus for your sexual health test, they are now also providing a free and confidential health clinic at Woolgoolga Community Health Centre. Services include information and education about sexually transmissible infections and safe sex, screening and treatment of sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy testing. Dates for the clinics are 24 August, 28 September, 26 October, 23 November and 21 December from 9.30am – 1pm. For an appointment, please contact the Sexual Health Service at Coffs Harbour Health Campus on 6656 7865.
INFO: For more about groups, services, organisations or events on the Mid North Coast contact: Anabell Thoener, Coffs Harbour 66516017 Email: athoener@acon.org.au or Glenn Ferrero, Port Macquarie 6584 0943 Email: gferrero@acon.org.au
By Anabell Thoener, ACON’s Health Promotion Outreach Officer in Coffs Harbour