Go West

Go West

I’m sure most people have heard the phrase I’m gay, I don’t play sport. I know I’ve heard it, and in most cases it’s me who is saying it.

I am probably the laziest person you will ever meet. If I could drive from my bedroom to the bathroom I would. My high school PE uniform was still in the plastic when I graduated. I’d rather write a thousand lines of I must remember to bring my PE uniform every lesson than play a single minute of sport.

However I realise that there are more active people out there than I am, for example: a group of my friends go walking every Saturday morning and two of them play netball every week.

I was surprised to hear that there is a Surry Hills netball team. I was even more surprised when I found a whole list of sporting teams that are for the LGBT community -†running, rugby, diving, badminton, even scuba diving, to list a few. If you haven’t heard of them before, they are a part of the Team Sydney organisation.

If you’re interested in a particular sport then you can look up their web page or if you really want to get involved and have some fun they will be providing some of the main activities at the Parramatta Pride Picnic on 21 September. Stay tuned for more information about the Parramatta Pride Picnic.

With the Olympics coming up, I know that it’s going to be sport fever all around the world, and a good chance for everyone to become more active. Who knows, I might even go walking this Saturday with my friends. Then again, I might sleep in too.

info: If you want any information about groups, services, organisations or community events taking place in western Sydney, you can contact Matt Vaughan at ACON on 9206 2064 or mvaughan@acon.org.au.

Matt Vaughan is the Community Development and Liaison Officer for the ACON Western Sydney Community Development Team.

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