Comments on: Cutting down women is no laughing matter /opinion/soapbox-opinion/cutting-down-women-is-no-laughing-matter/76512 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Fri, 04 May 2012 02:50:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rebecca /opinion/soapbox-opinion/cutting-down-women-is-no-laughing-matter/76512#comment-106048 Fri, 04 May 2012 02:50:20 +0000 Well said, Holly.

By: Holly /opinion/soapbox-opinion/cutting-down-women-is-no-laughing-matter/76512#comment-106034 Fri, 04 May 2012 02:09:40 +0000 I think being uncomfortable and offended its rather the result of the way the comedy industry is run – that is, if you want to be a successful comedian, especially in Australia, you’re having to pander to not so much the lowest common denominator, but the lowest commercial denominator – which in a land where misogynists like Kyle Sandilands and that sh*t-bag from the footy show, Sam something (not that I’m in any way suggesting that they’re at all funny, or even decent human beings, much less comedians) not only still have jobs but are massively commercially backed and plastered all over the media, the more commercially successful comedians (thankfully with notable exceptions) are the ones with more bigoted material. This sends a pretty clear message to newer and aspiring comics that the way to move forward and be a successful comic is to be bigoted in their shows. Sure some people find then genuinely funny, but there’s also the phenomena of people finding then funny *because* they’re comics, and comics are *supposed* to be found funny – and hey, everyone else is laughing, so they *must* be funny.

This is not to say that all comics are bigots, not at all, but rather that commercial interests influence and enforce such expectations of bigotry with an aim of furthering the commercial interests rather than benefiting comedy or bringing to the fore and profiting the better and more talented comedians.

This systemic problem could be positively impacted and changed if people like yourself and me and all other comedy-fans who find bigotry offensive were more confident in standing up and actually speaking out about the problems, were more confident in cutting against the ‘it’s just a joke, geeze, lighten up already’ and ‘don’t be such a b*tch about it’ responses normally thrown at people who don’t enjoy misogyny or homophobia or any other bigotry when we go out. We shouldn’t have to ‘expect’ bigotry, or accept being offended and made uncomfortable as ‘entertainment’. Oppression is a very real, very serious, and for most people who fall into one or more minorities, very traumatic constant in our lives – and I’ve yet to ever come across a situation of someone having been raped and finding it in any way amusing, much less funny.

By: ghost /opinion/soapbox-opinion/cutting-down-women-is-no-laughing-matter/76512#comment-105886 Thu, 03 May 2012 02:51:07 +0000 I think being uncomfortable and offended is kinda the idea of a Rhys Nicholson show no matter your gender or sexual bias.
