Comments on: Ali Choudhry – why we should care: petition creator /opinion/soapbox-opinion/ali-choudhry-why-we-should-care-petition-creator/115432 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Tue, 21 Jan 2014 01:40:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: David /opinion/soapbox-opinion/ali-choudhry-why-we-should-care-petition-creator/115432#comment-135187 Tue, 21 Jan 2014 01:40:57 +0000 There are two things going on here. One of them is that the government should not deport GLBTI people back to countries that could punish them. The other is that the Department should give due consideration to the special circumstances in this case.

The way some people carry on about this case and it only arising because there is a lack of marriage equality in Australia is really disingenuous. By saying that this is a breach of the highest of human rights because they can’t get married is wrong. For one reason or another Choudhry was not in Australia when he applied so he would have been denied a visa anyway. Let’s not see failures due to marriage inequality everywhere we look.

Marriage equality itself should be without criticism. We complain of the inflated, sensationalist, propagandistic arguments against marriage equality from religious extremists, shock jocks, columnists and politicians. Marriage equality is necessary in this country, however it can’t be at the expense of truth and of critical assessment. When presented with these cases we would do well to check their veracity, lest we confuse activism with sentimentality. We can’t fall back on the same techniques that our critics use to shut down the marriage equality debate, because otherwise, we are no different.

By: Lee /opinion/soapbox-opinion/ali-choudhry-why-we-should-care-petition-creator/115432#comment-131331 Tue, 07 Jan 2014 08:03:39 +0000 In reply to Mary.

@ Mary if he or anyone were to ” If he marries a woman, he gets to stay in Australia” does not guarantee that he or anyone gets to stay in Australia

By: Lee-Gwen /opinion/soapbox-opinion/ali-choudhry-why-we-should-care-petition-creator/115432#comment-131328 Tue, 07 Jan 2014 02:04:52 +0000 @Mary
Do you really think that a marriage to a woman would save him now? I can’t help thinking that Immigration might not look entirely favourably on an openly gay man, due to be deported, suddenly marrying a woman …
Refugee status? In Australia today? Shirley, you jest. Apart from anything else, we’ve now done away with the appeals process for people in situations like this – where they’re not the victims of persecution yet but are likely to be if they are returned.
Do you really think that they didn’t “research his visa application thoroughly”? What are the odds, do you suppose?

By: Mary /opinion/soapbox-opinion/ali-choudhry-why-we-should-care-petition-creator/115432#comment-131323 Mon, 06 Jan 2014 14:58:07 +0000 Why can’t Ali apply for refugee status? His life is in jeopardy if he is forced to go to Pakistan. If he was raised in the US, why can’t he go there? He should flea to an embassy somewhere and apply for refugee status. He could also consider some other, more radical options–he could go into hiding or marry a woman. If he marries a woman, he gets to stay in Australia. His lady friend could pretend to be religious and they could claim they “prayed his gay away”- which would be perfect for homophobic Australia. After a few years, when Ali gets his citizenship, he and his lady could divorce and resume life as normal. I wish I could help them. :/

By: oliver /opinion/soapbox-opinion/ali-choudhry-why-we-should-care-petition-creator/115432#comment-131321 Mon, 06 Jan 2014 14:26:57 +0000 Does he think he automatically has grounds for staying in Australia? Did they research his visa application thoroughly? mixed bag really.
