Comments on: Only National Change Will Deliver Equality /opinion/only-national-change-will-deliver-equality/111695 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Sat, 22 Feb 2014 12:01:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Deloris /opinion/only-national-change-will-deliver-equality/111695#comment-136417 Sat, 22 Feb 2014 12:01:53 +0000 You need to know how much walking, jogging, or running you need to do to lose a pound. The lower energy output is primarily due to the fact that women have a smaller body mass than men.

By: David H-N /opinion/only-national-change-will-deliver-equality/111695#comment-118292 Wed, 30 Oct 2013 20:23:49 +0000 What a spineless, politically opportunistic response from Barry O’Farrell.

Lets be clear here, Barry is trying to play both sides. He gets to say he is on the GLBT’s side but doesn’t have to piss off those on the other side by actually voting for it knowing full well that Abbott will also not allow it and he (O’Farrell) will never have to wear the flack for voting of what he claims he believes is right and proper.

… H Y P O C R I T E …
… O P P O R T U N I S T …
… C O W A R D …

Of course a National response is best but failing that a State response is better than no response at all which equals a vote for continuing discrimination.

By: Ronson /opinion/only-national-change-will-deliver-equality/111695#comment-118290 Wed, 30 Oct 2013 20:06:01 +0000 “Backflip” Barry lives up to his nickname.

By: Earth.W /opinion/only-national-change-will-deliver-equality/111695#comment-118286 Wed, 30 Oct 2013 12:43:14 +0000 While I do agree with the NSW Premier, I would like to know what happened to them being willing to go it alone. Did the Abbott Government run roughshod over him with threats of his position as Premier.

It’s an interesting turn around since Abbott was elected. As Mr O’Farrell is a genuine supporter of the LGBT community, I doubt there was political manipulation of the electorate of NSW. Only suspicious of political interference from Canberra.

By: Susan /opinion/only-national-change-will-deliver-equality/111695#comment-118285 Wed, 30 Oct 2013 12:37:22 +0000 THis man shows by this statement that he just does not get it.
Try walking a mile in our shoes Mr O’Farrell, then you will understand. You are not given 2nd class citizen rights by legislation – we are!!!

Any legal recognition of marriage, is 100 times better than noe – which you are advocating.

May I remind you, it is because of your Liberal mates (and the ALP who voted no), that Australia does not have marriage equality as the federal level.

It was good enough for the states to legislate marriage pre-1961. It’s bloody-well good enough for us 2nd class citizens (who you clearly do not understand or empathise with), to have state based marriages – until your mates in federal parliament do the right thing and pass national law.

Very very disappointing Mr O’Farrell.
With you refusing to take a stand for improving the rights of gays, it only makes it easier for Mr Abbott to continue to do the same.
Disgusted in your ignorance of the issues.

By: Michael McDougall /opinion/only-national-change-will-deliver-equality/111695#comment-118265 Wed, 30 Oct 2013 12:08:43 +0000 O’Farrell casting for the role of Pontious Pilate in latest revival of Jesus Christ Superstar?

By: Robert Paterson /opinion/only-national-change-will-deliver-equality/111695#comment-118264 Wed, 30 Oct 2013 11:57:50 +0000 So why don’t you put a bomb under your federal colleagues, Barry, and stop pussyfooting around. Otherwise it is just buckpassing.

By: wayne /opinion/only-national-change-will-deliver-equality/111695#comment-118261 Wed, 30 Oct 2013 11:21:31 +0000 thats it barry- handball the issue onto someone else, someone that you know won’t legislate for it. That way when it doesn’t come into law you can blame someone else.
Good idea!!
Oh, and original as well!!!! :-(

By: Bill /opinion/only-national-change-will-deliver-equality/111695#comment-118260 Wed, 30 Oct 2013 11:02:07 +0000 It’s nuts to argue that voting *against* same-sex marriage is somehow support for equality. What a jerk.

By: Derek Williams /opinion/only-national-change-will-deliver-equality/111695#comment-118259 Wed, 30 Oct 2013 10:42:17 +0000 Correction “O’Farrell”. Apologies. Would be nice to have an edit feature for these comments.

By: Derek Williams /opinion/only-national-change-will-deliver-equality/111695#comment-118257 Wed, 30 Oct 2013 10:40:21 +0000 Doesn’t Mr Farrell realise that ages of consent are already a “patchwork quilt” across Australia from state to state? Same goes for driving rules and education policy. Yet the ACT recently managed to pass equality legislation in possession of the identical facts to which he is privy. For NSW and the ACT to enact marriage equality is to defy the Federal ban. In the USA, 14 states have marriage equality, with comparable outcomes referred to by Mr Farrell. What that reveals a groundswell of support, which will ultimately facilitate Federal enactment of true marriage equality in both countries.

By: Robert /opinion/only-national-change-will-deliver-equality/111695#comment-118256 Wed, 30 Oct 2013 10:15:21 +0000 What a gutless wonder. The records for marriages are still the responsibility of the states. Why can’t NSW legislate for marriage equality and make it untenable for the federal government not to change the federal laws?
