Comments on: EXCLUSIVE: Paul Howes calls for full Labor gay marriage support /opinion/exclusive-paul-howes-calls-for-full-labor-gay-marriage-support/110376 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Thu, 03 Oct 2013 14:27:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: fred /opinion/exclusive-paul-howes-calls-for-full-labor-gay-marriage-support/110376#comment-116828 Thu, 03 Oct 2013 14:27:39 +0000 Mea Culpa….lol!

Mr Howes whole career is a farce and its ruthless machine men like him who have destroyed the A.L.P

What credibility does this man to impose the nastiness withing the A.L.P

Adam Bandt is a strong force in Melbourne now and all the real progressives have voted for them.

Mr Howes should leave politics and it may save the corrupt nature of this disfunctional organisation.

By: Keith Pullman /opinion/exclusive-paul-howes-calls-for-full-labor-gay-marriage-support/110376#comment-116817 Thu, 03 Oct 2013 11:47:37 +0000 There is no good reason to deny that we must keep evolving until an adult, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, monogamy or polyamory, race, or religion is free to marry any and all consenting adults. The limited same-gender freedom to marry is a great and historic step, but is NOT full marriage equality, because equality “just for some” is not equality. Let’s stand up for EVERY ADULT’S right to marry the person(s) they love. Get on the right side of history!

By: Mike /opinion/exclusive-paul-howes-calls-for-full-labor-gay-marriage-support/110376#comment-116619 Wed, 02 Oct 2013 07:24:43 +0000 Deb, of course I don’t support religious hardliners influencing Labor policy. I’d rather eat broken glass!

But it’s important that people know how the SDA continues to have a poisonous influence on Labor social policy and what Howes is up against. The SDA is successful largely because its conservative Catholic spokespeople like De Bruyn keep religious language out of their arguments. The SDA Executive is not voted for by the rank and file, yet it uses its large block of votes at Labor Conferences to block progressive social changes. The SDA treats its members views on such issues with contempt, while using the proxy voting power of its large membership to pursue non-union issues such as opposing same-sex marriage.

I also think that keeping it a conscience vote in Labor will mean the LNP party room is more likely to permit the same. Whereas if Labor’s vote was binding, they look kind of hypocritical calling for the LNP to allow a free vote.

I’m practical. My eye is on the Bill passing in both Houses. There are well-meaning suggestions – like what Paul Howes is calling for – that may well lessen the chances of the Bill passing in the current parliament.

By: Deb /opinion/exclusive-paul-howes-calls-for-full-labor-gay-marriage-support/110376#comment-116615 Wed, 02 Oct 2013 06:40:19 +0000 Thank you Paul Howes for your well grounded and principled speech which rings so true.

Mike, do you think it’s okay for what you call the conservative Catholic rights to have their way by imposing their personal religious views onto government policies? What Paul Howes has said goes beyond those narrow views and rightly denounces the current government policy and the ALP’s push for a conscience vote.

Pandering to those who wish to impose their personal biases onto others isn’t the right thing to do. Paul Howes has hit the nail on the head. No wimpy conscience vote – We want Australian Labor Party support for marriage equality, no less.

By: Mike /opinion/exclusive-paul-howes-calls-for-full-labor-gay-marriage-support/110376#comment-116560 Wed, 02 Oct 2013 04:29:20 +0000 Them’s fighting words, but just how does he plan to make all the Shoppies Union affiliated MP’s and Senators accept a binding vote? Even the prospect of expulsion from the party – as per Labor rules – may not be a big enough stick.

The majority of Labor pollies who voted against marriage equality in 2012 are part of the Shoppies faction. They owe their careers in parliament to the SDA Union and its sister organisation the hardline Catholic group the National Civic Council.

I welcome Howes support. But if he thinks Labor powerbrokers like Joe De Bruyn and Senator Don Farrell are going tow a progressive line and have their faction vote for same-sex marriage – binding or otherwise – he’s being naive about the influence of conservative Catholic doctrine on the Right of the Australian Labor Party.

There are some fights you can’t win. Making same-sex marriage a binding vote in Labor is probably one of them. It should stay a conscience vote, especially if they are asking Abbott’s LNP to grant their MP’s and Senators the same.
