Cause for concern in Queensland

Cause for concern in Queensland

Very disturbing news has emerged from Queensland over the weekend with the announcement that the LNP state Government plans to remove all its core funding from the Queensland Association of Healthy Communities (QAHC) and instead administer HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns directly through a Ministerial Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS.

It was a particularly cowardly act to issue this press release on a Sunday morning!

Perhaps the most offensive part of this move is the assertion that our communities’ health services have not been effective in curbing infection rates. Australia has maintained infection rates, after a very sharp decline during the late ’80s and early ’90s, precisely because of strong partnerships between HIV organisations, governments and the LGBTI community.

In New South Wales, infection rates have remained stable at around 250 per year since 2000.

In Queensland, Health Minister Lawrence Springborg needs to be careful not to conflate new infections with additional reported cases, and also not to penalise QAHC for infections in the non-LGBTI community as a sector for which QAHC does not receive funding.

Like ACON in NSW, QAHC expanded its focus in recent years to include promoting other health outcomes for LGBTI people. A LGBTI health service is vital for our community because it is the only way you can be sure not to be faced with a judgemental or bigoted response to your health concerns. Our communities also have specific health needs that are best served by those who understand our lives and realities.

Some confused messages are coming from Queensland. Premier Campbell Newman has, in the past, expressed his personal support for marriage equality, while stating that his party would seek to repeal the newly legislated civil unions scheme. However, while advocating against equality, he condemned Bob Katter’s campaign ads as being homophobic.

Meanwhile, Bob Katter now acknowledges his homophobic campaign was a mistake — primarily because he believes it cost him a large number of votes!

There is no evidence that Queenslanders have suddenly shifted their attitudes to LGBTI people. Indeed, Queenslanders have identified other concerns of importance to them.

We can only assume the LNP Government is catering to a small, but vocal and well resourced minority of social conservatives who continue to remain an obstacle for the legal equality of LGBTI people.

While the LGBTI community has achieved a lot — almost full legal equality, in fact — the events in Queensland this week show how easily these rights can be threatened. The fight will not be over until all forms of discrimination, harassment and vilification are eradicated.

By supporting your local community organisations, you can help prevent any attempts to wind back our rights and achievements.

If you’re keen to find out how you can get involved in NSW, please visit us at

For those of us in NSW, you can find out more about supporting our Queensland brothers and sisters at QAHC and sign the petition demanding their funding not be cut at


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