Comments on: ‘But I didn’t mean it…’ /opinion/but-i-didnt-mean-it/72834 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Fri, 16 Mar 2012 08:04:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Owen /opinion/but-i-didnt-mean-it/72834#comment-98853 Fri, 16 Mar 2012 08:04:25 +0000 I completely agree. The past few months for me have really examplified how fantastic the power of humanity can be. It is important that we, as members of the GLBTQI community, get access to the above named organisation and have the opportunity to a.) let people know that they’re recieving harassment or vilification in the workplace b.) know that there are others (S.O bloggers, friends, councillors etc.) that we can turn to and get support.

And though it will take a long time, I think the best way to rid society of completely stubborn homophobia is to ensure that GLBTQI people are voicing their concerns when needed, people aren’t going to be aware that what they’re doing is vilifying homosexuals unless the community continues to work for equality.

Thankyou for the article, Sally.
