Comments on: WA Parliament becomes second state to officially support free vote on marriage equality, oppose plebiscite /news/wa-parliament-becomes-second-state-to-officially-support-free-vote-on-marriage-equality-oppose-plebiscite/141253 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Wed, 30 Sep 2015 03:46:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason /news/wa-parliament-becomes-second-state-to-officially-support-free-vote-on-marriage-equality-oppose-plebiscite/141253#comment-487639 Wed, 30 Sep 2015 03:46:11 +0000 What a total waste of taxpayers money. $160 million dollars can fix our hospitals, roads/highways and schools – lets not waste money on a non-binding “plebiscite” vote. The Liberal bigoted government will just ignore it anyway! This is the same party that spent over $5 million, for the Liberal government to fight the ACT 2013 marriage laws, they passed all the way to the High Court of Australia.

Do not ever be fooled by Malcolm [Turn-table] Turnbull – he might support marriage equality himself, but his whole LNP party mates do not! Labor will introduce a marriage equality bill in the first 100 days of parliament! But I personally think that is just spin, remember – they had there chance back in 2010 and blew it out of the water with Labors Julia Gillard and the Bob Brown Greens Alliance!

Vote 1 Greens!

By: Tex O'Ryan /news/wa-parliament-becomes-second-state-to-officially-support-free-vote-on-marriage-equality-oppose-plebiscite/141253#comment-487562 Wed, 30 Sep 2015 00:28:52 +0000 Yay, Dubba-u-whay, we’re soooo Gaaaaay.

By: Mercedes /news/wa-parliament-becomes-second-state-to-officially-support-free-vote-on-marriage-equality-oppose-plebiscite/141253#comment-484969 Fri, 25 Sep 2015 00:58:55 +0000 Congrats to Lisa Baker for her strong actions in this area. I would not be the only person eager to hear Malcolm’s response and next move. Surely this plus NSW ‘s similar stance and the Senate report strongly recommending NO plebiscite, supports the logical switch back to a conscience vote. I would imagine $160 million could be put to better use than a crappy, divisive and totally demeaning plebiscite!
