No Brisbane Fair Day in 2011

No Brisbane Fair Day in 2011

As Sydney wraps up its 2011 Mardi Gras Fair Day comes news the Brisbane event won’t go ahead this year.

Brisbane Pride Festival (BPF) committee has confirmed there will not be a Fair Day this year due to financial difficulties.

Despite a spirited fundraising effort by a new robust and enthusiastic BPF committee, monies raised have barely made a dent into the debt from previous festivals. Reportedly, BPF have not finalised their accounts for more than three years with their annual returns still to be lodged with Queensland authorities.

It is understood the BPF financial situation is now under control and all relevant government authorities have been contacted with a clear plan to resolve the situation. Sadly, the short-term implication is that BPF is unable to commit to large financially draining events such as Fair Day.

It is expected that this year will be seen as a fundraising year and that all will return to normal by next year.

BPF said the rest of the festival is expected to be better than it has been in many years. The committee invites all people who want to register a BPF event during the 16-day festival to do so immediately to boost the number of events.

Planning for the Queen’s Ball GALA Awards night is already well underway with an impressive venue secured.

It is understood BPF is seeking to partner with all groups and businesses to include cultural events, theatre, arts, parties, and picnics to make this the most diverse and flamboyant festival yet.

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