Tassie pollie poll positive

Tassie pollie poll positive

Tasmanian gay rights activists have pinned down key political parties on GLBTI issues ahead of the state election on March 20.

Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group spokesman Rodney Croome said the response had been positive.

“According to a survey by the Australia Institute, Tasmania remains Australia’s most homophobic state despite our progressive laws, and many Tasmanians want to know what the three parties intend to do to change this,†he said.

“We are pleased all parties have a commitment to tackling the problem and we will work with whatever party or parties form the next government to put this commitment into action.â€

Community forums on GLBTI issues were held in Hobart and Launceston this week. Parenting rights and discrimination in aged care were among the issues raised.

Croome said same-sex marriage was a dominant topic of debate.

According to the responses the TGLRG received, the Labor Party has promised to to re-open the same-sex adoption debate with a parliamentary inquiry if re-elected; the Liberal Party said they will commit to including anti-GLBTI violence in a statewide anti-violence strategy; while the Greens have pledged $300,000 for school anti-homophobia programs.

info: Visit www.movingforward.org.au

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