Lobby co-convenor stands down
After four years challenging the powers-that-be in the pursuit of gay rights, Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby co-convenor Stephen Jones has announced he will be stepping down from his position.
Jones has resigned from the VGLRL committee of management, leaving Hayley Conway as sole convenor.
-Å“My work with the Lobby over the last four years has been very rewarding, Jones said.
Jones has been involved with the VGLRL since late 2005, taking up the role of co-convenor in 2007, alongside Demetra Giannakopoulos.
-Å“We’ve seen significant changes in federal law, relationship recognition and access to ART and I’ve been very lucky to have worked with some amazing people, he said.
-Å“Although the decision to resign from the committee of management was incredibly difficult, it was made easier knowing that a team of very dedicated and talented people remain.
-Å“I’ve met so many wonderful people during my time with the Lobby and would like to take this opportunity to thank all of them for their support, wisdom and friendships over the years.
At this time the Lobby is not seeking a replacement.