Comments on: UAP Senator, Far-Right Groups Target A Melbourne Council Over Drag Event /news/national-news/uap-senator-far-right-groups-target-a-melbourne-council-over-drag-event/223451 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Thu, 27 Apr 2023 22:49:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve /news/national-news/uap-senator-far-right-groups-target-a-melbourne-council-over-drag-event/223451#comment-653814 Thu, 27 Apr 2023 22:49:15 +0000 I’d rather a child be read a story from a childrens book by a Drag queen then a child witness Domestic Violence at home from Daddy punching mummy or worse….
Thousands of reported DV incidents and stretched Police trying to keep the lid on this dry tinder box.
It’s a terrible shame that children have to witness DV,but their strangely learning from it at the same time.
An absolute disgrace and shame that this disgusting issue is swept under the carpet by the White power Neo-Nazis,Christian lives Matter and other “hypocritical fanatics” that swamp the suburbs that cower under this issue.
The issue is damming,and the radicals vocal response is deafening.
Yet they cry leave their children alone.

By: Michael Barnes /news/national-news/uap-senator-far-right-groups-target-a-melbourne-council-over-drag-event/223451#comment-653809 Thu, 27 Apr 2023 06:01:49 +0000 I saw the library at Glen Waverley was closing early for a council meeting and hadn’t realized at the time why.

Sorry – if I have know I would have been there to stand with LGBTQI community against these bigots.

Thanks for reporting this.

I guess no need to ask why I didn’t see coverage of this in other media.
