The boy can dance
For the last couple of weeks I have been running around like a proverbial headless chook. With a mix of rehearsals for the new production show at the Midnight Shift with Verushka on Sundays (shameless plug -“ that self-promoting man seems to slip out. I just can’t help it. I love the arts.) and painting, glittering and hot gluing anything that doesn’t move, I haven’t had much of a chance to participate in one of my favourite pastimes, slumping in front of the TV and viewing mindless colour and movement.
Quite adept on the old remote, I usually channel-surf away till something grabs my attention, only to pop across then to something else.
So to be totally truthful, I hadn’t really tuned into So You Think You Can Dance much at all, scanning it here and there whenever I had a chance.
My lack of attention is quite terrible as I have many friends associated with the program, not only as competitors but choreographers and behind the scenes.
One mate I have heard a slight buzz about is the final-four contestant Rhys.
I met Rhys Bobridge -“ or Regime -“ a while ago when he performed at Slide with Vanity Faire and Courtney Act, and was blown away by not only his dancing but his whole look.
Walking into a new city and performing with two of its biggest names, Regime handled it with style and class, bringing Candy Man to life in front of a very appreciative crowd.
It delights me every time I have an opportunity to see him swish up a storm on television.
So is our community going to support this talent or is it going to be another case of Tall Poppy Syndrome?
Not scared to embrace his gayness and his other life in heels and lippy, his face full of crazy makeup can often be seen beaming into our loungerooms.
There is no doubt he is a very talented person, and making it to final four proves he has what it takes. But is his over-the-top flamboyant style going to stop him getting the votes he needs?
Has he alienated those who consider themselves straight-acting? Should we as a community support this flamboyant character?
The audiences at the show can’t seem to get enough of him, but why haven’t we seen much in our press?
I have to say, I think he is fabulous and raise my hat to him for being himself, even in front of millions of people, not only as a talented dancer but because of his here I am, take me or leave me attitude.
For the first time since Courtney appeared on Australian Idol I have actually lifted my phone and voted for a reality show.
Good luck, Rhys. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s supporting you.