Comments on: State marriage ‘possible’ /news/national-news/new-south-wales-news/state-marriage-possible/50064 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Tue, 05 May 2015 07:31:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul of Forbes NSW /news/national-news/new-south-wales-news/state-marriage-possible/50064#comment-398680 Tue, 05 May 2015 07:31:03 +0000 I HAVE SAID IT AGAIN AND AGAIN:
1. Marriage equality is a FEDERAL issue under the Commonwealth of Australia (Federal) Marriage Act 1961!
2. Marriage equality is NOT a state/territory issue, there are no laws at all governing marriage at a state/territory level!
3. The Australian Constitution does mention marriage under powers of the Commonwealth, but DOES NOT define marriage, so the referendum question is not needed (unlike Ireland)!
4. The High Court of Australia back in 2013 said that the ACT (that is the Australian Capital Territory) has NO RIGHT to pass laws on marriage, but the federal government DOES have a right to define marriage under the statute of the Marriage Act 1961, which both Labor and Liberal parties did just that in 2004 – defined as between a man and a woman!
5. Same-sex marriage is possible in Australia (maybe in the year 2100), the trouble is only 20% of lawmakers support and voted for SSM in the House of Representatives and 25% of lawmakers support and voted for SSM in the Senate both voted on in 2012!

By: Same sex marriage and family law — Armstrong Legal Family Law Blog /news/national-news/new-south-wales-news/state-marriage-possible/50064#comment-398614 Tue, 05 May 2015 05:45:48 +0000 […] article in the Star Observer published on 20 April 2011 “State Marriage Possible” argues that there may actually be a […]

By: David /news/national-news/new-south-wales-news/state-marriage-possible/50064#comment-70244 Fri, 22 Apr 2011 21:24:40 +0000 The church never ever owned marriage. It happened in all cultures. The government only regulated marriage in recent history, during the time of the White Australia Policy. There was a time when the couple getting married owned marriage.

Labor and Liberal are telling lies about the history and nature of marriage.

By: Alex /news/national-news/new-south-wales-news/state-marriage-possible/50064#comment-70232 Fri, 22 Apr 2011 12:03:44 +0000 I no longer support same sex marriage. Instead I advocate for the abolition of any Govt recognition of any form of relationship.
There should be no entitlements or penalites applied to a person based solely on their relationship status. I want the Govt to treat everyone as single. Give marriage back to the church, including gay churches. The Govt doesn’t need to be involved.

By: DaveC /news/national-news/new-south-wales-news/state-marriage-possible/50064#comment-70201 Fri, 22 Apr 2011 00:57:17 +0000 @N.Starling what we have in the form of legal protection is the results of years of tireless campaigning and battling, originally there was to be further protections for us passed into law, but it didn’t get through in time before the state elections went through, once Labour was out of office it was one of the first things to hit the chopping block, the liberals hold the balance of power on the state level, and the Greens have no way to protect us on that front.

It’s sad if you truly believe just because the greens hold a balance of power on some level that protects you from the malicious intent of any political party, but you probably won’t see that until these changes to the Equal Opportunity Act pass, and you’re refused service in stores and other areas that used to be protected under law…

Read this if you don’t understand:

By: ACT Chief Minister John Stanhope Hopeful That Gay Marriage In Australia Is Possible « GLBT news, events, blogs and lifestyle /news/national-news/new-south-wales-news/state-marriage-possible/50064#comment-70193 Thu, 21 Apr 2011 20:48:09 +0000 […] to the National Press Club, Stanhope mentioned a loophole in the amendment to the Marriage Act passed by the Howard government could allow states and territories to bypass current laws which […]

By: N.Starling /news/national-news/new-south-wales-news/state-marriage-possible/50064#comment-70173 Thu, 21 Apr 2011 10:34:19 +0000 @ DaveC: i thought thats what the Greens held the balance of power for ? To guarantee agendas are not slipped past not only our community but all voting Aussies ? I hate to be a wet blanket however i do not feel we are going to ever see equality in this country

By: Gay Marriage Watch » Blog Archive » Australia: ACT Official Says States Could Pass Marriage Equality if Federal Government Balks /news/national-news/new-south-wales-news/state-marriage-possible/50064#comment-70142 Thu, 21 Apr 2011 02:36:49 +0000 […] Full Story from the Star Observer […]

By: DaveC /news/national-news/new-south-wales-news/state-marriage-possible/50064#comment-70132 Wed, 20 Apr 2011 23:46:32 +0000 It is good to see a loophole in the laws that could further the gay marriage push, however while more attention is focused on the gay marriage debate and campaign; states are quietly stripping away other rights and protections: Take Victoria at the moment; the Equal Opportunity act is being reversed & modified to allow religious organisations free pass to discriminate against the LGBTIQ Community, yet we’re so focused on the Gay Marriage Issue that the equally important changes to these laws are being pushed through under our noses, and by the time we realise how much damage has been done; it’ll be too late!
While allowing states to make their own laws on these things may be a good step forward, it really needs to be effected at a national level to be totally protected.

By: Dave /news/national-news/new-south-wales-news/state-marriage-possible/50064#comment-70110 Wed, 20 Apr 2011 12:53:50 +0000 With gay hating Liberal Governments in NSW and Victoria, giving equality is out the question for now. It would take a Harvey Milk style riot to get justice, perhaps that is what we need.
