New Jersey close to marriage
New Jersey may be the next American state to allow gay marriage after a number of elected government representatives, including Governor Jon Corzine, recently stated public support for same-sex marriage.
The comments come after a report released last month reviewing the state’s 2006 civil union laws recommended that civil unions were inadequate for equal treatment of same-sex couples and gay marriage is the next most appropriate step.
It is thought unlikely to occur this year, however, as most of the state’s legislature goes to the ballot in November.
Speaker of the Democrat majority Assembly, Joseph Roberts said same-sex marriage in the state was a matter of when not if.
The report should spark a renewed sense of purpose and urgency to overcoming one of society’s last remaining barriers to full equality for all residents, he said.
Massachusetts and Connecticut are currently the only states to have legalised same-sex marriage via court decisions. Vermont, New Hampshire and Oregon have civil union laws.