Looking local?

Looking local?

Sydney South West Area Health Service has developed a service directory for local gay men called Looking Local?

Looking Local? is a fold-out postcard resource which includes information for gay men, including those living with HIV and AIDS, about local services, including information on sexual health clinics, HIV services, support and counselling services, drug and alcohol services and services for young gay men.

A message is included on sexual health check-ups, and new ways of testing for STIs. Also included is a reminder for hepatitis A and B vaccinations.

Looking Local? has been released after the recent opening of a new sexual health clinic in Camperdown. Formerly located in Marrickville, the new clinic has opened on Missenden Rd, Camperdown.

Gay men and positive clients in the inner west will now have better access to sexual health services, Gay Men’s Project Officer Martin Silveira said.

The sexual health clinic offers gay men’s sexual health check-ups including STI testing, HIV testing and management, PEP [post-exposure prophylaxis for people who think they may have been recently exposed to HIV] services, hepatitis A and B vaccinations, a male-only clinic on Wednesday afternoons/evenings (2pm-8pm), drop-in and easy access to RPA Pharmacy for HIV medication and other treatments.

Looking Local? was developed with the help of guys in the inner west who were clients of the service as well as patrons of venues in the inner west. As a result of the positive feedback from guys to Looking Local? more resources are being developed.

Looking Local? can now be picked up at local cinemas, caf?and restaurants throughout inner Sydney, as well as at sexual health clinics, sex on premises venues, pubs and clubs and dance parties.

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